The Gospel of the Holy Twelve Comments of the Editors

Section 3 Lections 21 Thru 30

LECTION XXI. 2-6. -This touching incident is to be found also in a very ancient Coptic fragment of the Life of Iesus- others of a like nature also recorded in their places in this Gospel, show how he, the Divine Saviour of the world, regarded the ill-treatment of the "lower" animals as a grievous sin.

v. 12. -The divine love of Iesus for all God's creatures is everywhere evidenced by this Gospel, and his belief that all life is one, is abundantly justified by the teaching of true modern science, physical and occult.

LECTION XXII. -The daily increasing discoveries in modern times of cases of trance or of suspended animation, in which those carried to burial certified as dead by medical men have revived, suggest the thought how much more numerous must have been such cases in days when medical science knew little or nothing of the symptoms of real death. When it is now ascertained that five per thousand on an average are restored to life who have been certified dead or carried to burial, how many more such cases must have occurred in those times when true physicians and magnetic healers were looked upon almost as gods?

LECTION XXIII. 1-13. -A similar event is recorded in the life of Buddha, where he asks water of a woman, and receives it from a woman of lower caste, who asks how he, of a higher caste, a Brahmin, comes to ask water of one so much lower. It should cast no doubt on this passage.

LECTION XXIV. 1-5. -The cat was an ancient symbol of Deity, on account of its seeing in the dark and otter attributes. More than one instance is given of Iesus' protection of these beautiful animals which in Iudea were, as they are even now in some places, unjustly despised and regarded with disfavour. He, the Friend of all things that suffered, cast his protection round these innocent creatures, teaching men and women to do likewise, and to feel for all the weak and oppressed. This beautiful and much maligned animal was a native of Egypt. But there is no difficulty here, for Egyptian families visited Palestine, and would naturally bring their venerated animals with them, not leave them to neglect or worse, as some "Christians" who ought to know better.

LECTION XXV. 2. -It is remarkable how persistent has been the false rendering of these words in the received Gospels. It is too evident to need any comment. It is not poverty of spirit that Christ commended, but the spiritual effects of literal poverty (not pauperism), which are more frequent than those of abundant riches.
    v. 6-7. -Suggestive is this passage of the custom of the Christian Church in building their monasteries and convents generally on high places, the bands of holy men and women therein being truly, in the Dark Ages, the salt of the earth, the light on & hill, without which society would have rotted to the core, and been universally corrupt. The occasional abuses argue nothing against their more blessed influences. Without them our Scriptures would not have been preserved, even in their present condition, and civilization would have been extinct. To the monks of S. Basil and S. Benedict are due the remains of Christianity that have been handed down to us, and by such institutions rationally conducted will Christianity be revived in a higher and purer form, and the Scriptures restored to their original purity, as well as the ancient worship of God. The laxity of some modern monasteries is to be regretted in the matter of flesh-eating, under the plea of health, there being really no such necessity with the abundance of food from the vegetable world as well as animal products. The Carthusian and other monasteries stand as a noble testimony to the healthfulness of the rule when observed in strictness and unabated rigour. 

LECTION XXVI. 9. -Meaning; that if the vision be set on one single object and no other, great is the clearness of vision; while, if the eyes be set on number of other objects, the clearness will be diminished with regard to that one.

LECTION XXVII. 2. -The sin of hypocrisy is most loathsome, and the most difficult for those to see who are vitiated by it. To condemn in others the sins we practice ourselves is a common sin of society, which Christ ever reprobates.

LECTION XXVII. 12. -Note the importance which these symbols (including the equilateral triangle) possessed in the eyes of Iesus as illustrations of Eternal truths. The slight mention of these shows the Gospel was written, or addressed to people well acquainted with the mysteries they represent.

LECTION XXVIII. 1-5. -It is easy to see how this would have horrified the mind of Iesus had he lived in these semi- heathen times.

LECTION XXVIII. 15. -To exalt unduly the Christian Sacrament of Baptism, certain words have been interpolated in the A.V. The context shows that such was not the intended meaning, for immediately after, they "justified God by being baptized with Iohn's Baptism."

LECTION XXIX.-The feeding of five thousand with five loaves and seven clusters of grapes has a deep mystical significance, which space forbids to enter on here, but the wise will understand. The two numbers, e.g, symbolize Matter and Spirit, Bread and Wine, Substance and Life.

LECTION XXX. 8. -The original Gospels know nothing of the modern doctrine of the Anglican Church. Iesus was "the son of Mary and Joseph, whose parentage we know." This does not contradict, but rather suggests (to reconcile with Church doctrine), the Immaculate Conception of both parents to which the Church is now tending.

Transcribed and Compiled by Rev. Mark Wilcox, D.D.


And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

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