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by P.J. Gott & Logan Licht 








The Historical Jesus 








The Essene Nazarean Way of Essenic Studies
~ The Nazarean Way ~

The Esoteric Teachings of Jesus and the Nazarean Essenes




Dedicated to recovering the

original teachings of the historical

"YaH-Zeus The Nazarene"


"The Magdalene."






~ Recent Articles ~

~ Seasonal Articles ~

  • Thanksgiving Myths Four common myths about the first Thanksgiving.

  • The Origins of Christmas Traditions The modern traditions of Christmas� are often attributed to Saturnalia as celebrated at the Winter Solstice during The Golden Age of the Pax Romana in first century Rome. But many of the traditions predate the first century by hundreds of years. The Feast for the Son of Isis and the god Osiris, for instance, was celebrated in Egypt centuries before Jesus the son of God appeared in Jerusalem.

~ Articles by Gott ~


  • The Goddess of America's Founding Fathers The signs are everywhere to be found. The resurrection of the Goddess was intended to take place in the United States of America.

  • Theology of America's Founding Fathers Excerpts from Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason.

  • Philo of Alexandria Philo holds the keys to unlocking ancient Bible codes.

  • Philo's Rules for Enigmas Philo's rules for enigmas can be used to identify and interpret coded messages hidden within scripture. It works for both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

  • Wisdom the Goddess Excerpts from Wisdom of Solomon: �Wisdom�a Holy and disciplined Spirit�a kindly Spirit�She hastens to make Herself known.� Thanks to Wisdom of Solomon, the secret of the Trinity�s �Holy Spirit� is revealed: She is the Goddess.

  • Enigmas 101 (Taken from a series of six lessons shared with the Essene Holy Communions Group). It can be demonstrated that Luke wrote his gospel using Philo's "Rules for the Allegorical Interpretation of Scripture." They are an easily followed set of rules that lead to "The Truth" Luke promised to provide to Theophilus.

  • Enigmas 202 The gospel writer Luke used Philo's "Rules for Enigmas" to tell the story of "Mary Magdalene, The Black Madonna." (Essay also listed under "Of Women and the Holy Order" below)

  • Mary Magdalene:  Sinner, Queen, or Both? Luke's gospel interpreted enigmatically leads to the historical identity of Mary Magdalene.

  • I AM THAT I AM Asherah was a major Semitic mother goddess, worshipped in ancient Israel as the consort of El and in Judah as the consort of Yahweh.

  • Mary Magdalene: Great Mother-Goddess QueenEnigmas were the Nazarenes' only hope of saving their history from destruction at the hands of their enemy, Saulus, aka "The Apostle Paul."

  • Serapis The crucifixion, some biblical investigators now suggest, was a reenactment of the ancient Rite of Osiris, the sacred drama presented annually throughout Egypt.

  •  Lucifer: Satan or Goddess? Luc is Latin for "light"; ferre is Latin for "bearer." The planet Venus was called the Light Bearer because it appears in the morning sky just before the sun rises.

  • The Gospel of Paul (Based on a series of four lessons shared with the Essene Holy Communions Group.) Paul claimed conversion and named himself an "Apostle." Luke's enigmatical message is that Paul lied. Paul was an infiltrator, a spy, and, as Thomas Jefferson asserted, the great corrupter of the doctrine of Jesus the Nazarene.

  • Micah's Prophecies More important, perhaps, than Jesus' birth in Bethlehem was Micah's prophecy about his consort, The Magdalene.

  • Locusts or Pancakes: How the transposition of the Greek word for "pancakes" with the Greek word for "locusts" erroneously reported that John the Baptist ate locusts.

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~ The Sacred and Apocryphal Texts ~


"This message was for the ears of man alone, they who walk between the worlds of earth and heaven. And unto the ears of man was whispered this message." ~The Essene Gospel of Peace

  • The Apocryphal Texts The excluded and suppressed books of the Bible. In the process of determining the Biblical canon, a large number of texts were excluded from the New Testament, many of which were vigorously suppressed or destroyed. Some survive only as fragments.

  • The Gospel of the Holy Twelve Also known as "The Gospel of the Nazarenes," the text includes the complete life and teachings of Jesus the Nazarene. The lections of this ancient Gospel set forth a much higher moral and spiritual understanding than is currently taught by the orthodox Christian church.

  • The Essene Gospels of Peace Liberated from the secret archives of the Vatican, these sacred scrolls are testaments to the eternal and living truth.

  • The Nag Hammadi Library a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts. Discovered in upper Egypt in 1945, this immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary Gnostic scriptures, texts once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define "orthodoxy."  

  • The Gospel of Thomas These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down. Complete with parallels and commonalties from the New Testament Gospels.

  • The Greek New Testament The entire 1881 Westcott-Hort  New Testament in ancient Greek. Variant readings are also given within the text of this translation. (The Greek "symbol" font is required for viewing this text.)

  • The Gospel of Q A collection of Jesus' sayings which forms the two-source hypothesis and the most widely accepted solution to the synoptic problem which posits that Matthew and Luke drew on two written sources, as shown by textual correspondences between their works. The Gospel of Mark forms one source, and Q the other.

  • The Sophia (Wisdom) of Jesus Christ A revelation discourse describing the celestial regions beyond the visible world. Given by the risen Christ in response to questions by his disciples.

  • The Book of Enoch Once considered scripture, the Book of Enoch contains many key concepts used by Jesus. Over a hundred phrases in the New Testament find precedents in this ancient text. Many Aramaic fragments of Enoch have been recovered from the Qumran caves, showing the importance of Enoch to the Essene community.

  • From Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls From the remote ages of antiquity this remarkable teaching has existed which is universal in its application and ageless in its wisdom.

  • The Dead Sea Scrolls Their discovery, interpretations and publication. A collection of 850 documents which were discovered between 1947 and 1956 at eleven caves near Qumran, a fortress northwest of the Dead Sea. They were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, sometime between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century ACE. 

  • The Authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls The latest discoveries and scholarly debate on the authors of the Dead Sea scrolls and the Temple library of Jerusalem.

  • Christ in Isl�m Traditional sayings and stories attributed to Jesus taken from Islamic literature. Islam has always considered Jesus to be one of the greatest of prophets. Highly recommended to anyone interested in comparative religion or alternative views of Jesus.

  • The Kybalion The study of the Hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece. These teachings cannot be accredited to any one person or human source, for these teachings represent the workings of Creation Itself.

  • The Wisdom of Solomon One of the forgotten books of the Apocrypha; It is a 1st century Greek work originating in Alexandrian Egypt. The work relates early Nazarite and Essene understandings of the feminine principle of God at work in the ancient Hebrew tradition.

  • Clothed With The Sun The Book of the Illuminations of Anna Bonus Kingsford. A contemporary of Rev. Ouseley, this remarkable text explains the interpretations of mystical scripture and the spiritual mysteries of the kingdoms of God.

  • The Book of the Mysteries of God Anciently called "The Greater Mysteries" as containing knowledges which for their interiorness were reserved for initiates of high degree.

  • The Perfect Way or The Finding of Christ The Perfect Way represents a discovery to ascertain the nature and method of existence. It also represents a recovery because the system propounded has proved to be that which constituted the basic and secret doctrines of all the great religions of antiquity, including Christianity, � the doctrine commonly called the Gnosis, and variously entitled Hermetic and Kabbalistic.

  • The Essene Book Store Suggestions and resources for expanding your own Essenic library or scriptorium.

  • Textual Analysis of Biblical Literature The scholarly approach of studying, evaluating and critically assessing the Bible as literature in order to better understand its origins and the original intentions of its authors.

"There are also many things which Jesus did, that if they should be written,

I suppose that the world itself could not contain all the books that would be written." ~St. John (A.V.)

  • Philo of Alexandria Philo holds the keys to unlocking ancient Bible codes.

  • Philo's Rules for Enigmas Philo's rules for enigmas can be used to identify and interpret coded messages hidden within scripture. It works for both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

  • Wisdom the Goddess Excerpts from Wisdom of Solomon: �Wisdom�a Holy and disciplined Spirit�a kindly Spirit�She hastens to make Herself known.� Thanks to Wisdom of Solomon, the secret of the Trinity�s �Holy Spirit� is revealed: She is the Goddess.

  • Enigmas 101 (Taken from a series of six lessons shared with the Essene Holy Communions Group). It can be demonstrated that Luke wrote his gospel using Philo's "Rules for the Allegorical Interpretation of Scripture." They are an easily followed set of rules that lead to "The Truth" Luke promised to provide to Theophilus.

  • Enigmas 202 The gospel writer Luke used Philo's "Rules for Enigmas" to tell the story of "Mary Magdalene, The Black Madonna." (Article also listed under "Of Women and the Holy Order" below)

Due to lack of knowledge, my people shall perish ~Hosea 4:6
Whoever finds the interpretation of these words will not experience death ~Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas

"The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding"

The Kybalion


We have found this man to be the leader of the sect of Nazarenes. ~Acts.24:5

Map of Ancient Palestine at the Time of Christ

Biblical Units of Weights and Measures

~ The Descendants and Bloodline of Christ ~



"Neither Sylvester nor any of the thirty-two popes before him, nor those succeeding him,

ever emphasized that there were at least three well-known and authentic lines of legitimate blood descent from Jesus' own family..." ~Malachi Martin

"The Roman Catholic Church tried to kill off all remnants of the Desposyni and their guardians, the Cathars and the Templars, during the Inquisition, in order to maintain power through the apostolic succession of Peter instead of the hereditary succession of Mary Magdalene." ~The Rise and Fall of the Catholic Church

~ Pharisees, Sadducees, Therapeutae and Essenes ~


~ Essenian and Nazarite Theosophy ~


To make the human heart a temple, the soul an alter, and the mind a priest.

These were the missions of Jesus the Nazarene.

Kahlil Gibran

~ Mysticism and the Coming Kingdom of God ~


Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others I speak in parables;

for in seeing they do not see, and in hearing they do not understand.

Luke 8:10

Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.

If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

The Nag Hammadi Library

~ Of Women and Holy Order ~


      They said unto him, "How shall we then, enter the kingdom?"

Jesus said unto them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside, and when you make the male and the female one and the same;

then will you enter the kingdom."

The Gospel of Thomas

~ Paul: Apostle or Adversary ~


~ Monks and Monasteries ~


~ The Essenic Scriptorium ~


They spent much time studying the scriptures and the writings of the prophets, and taking of them only what is most advantageous for their body and soul. 

Flavius Josephus

~ Transcendental  Wisdom ~


Whosoever keepeth the Holy Law, the same shall save their souls, however differently they may see the truths which I have given.

In my Father's house are many mansions: I go to prepare a place for you all. 

Jesus ~Gospel of the Holy Twelve

Links and Other Sites of Interest: Essene Groups, Churches, Organizations, and Web sites

Suggested Reading

~ Crucifixion and Resurrection ~


"...they came back saying that they had even seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive." Luke 24:23

And all the creatures, which are under heaven, each according to its nature, serve, know and obey their Creator better than You.

And even the demons did not crucify Him, but You together with them have crucified Him and even now you crucify (Him) by delighting in vices and sins.

St. Francis of Assisi

...and then came "The Church"


 Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope.

He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated. 

Oath of the Jesuit Order

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